Sell ​​your wood to Vida

Plan your felling for the best yield.

We value good forests. Vida has a continuous need for timber and is very interested in contracting felling, thinning and delivery timber.

Since we stay close to the market, we know what the market is asking for. A high timber yield that matches the demands of our customers means that we can pay forest landowners better prices.

Our buyers are where you are

At Vida you get a personal contact person who helps you with everything from contracts to final accounting. Working with Vida’s timber buyers is simple, close-at-hand, flexible and professional. Our timber buyers are often from the local area and know the area and the forest landowners.

Go to page: Forest landowners

Contact Vida

Collaborating with Vida is easy. We help you find the right contact.

Contact us

Vida is a professional partner for those who own and manage their own forestland. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

Vida Skog AB

Box 100 342 21 Alvesta, Sweden +46 472-439 10

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