Vida Wood UK - Head of Sales Announcement
Vida Wood UK are delighted to announce the appointment of Will Royle as Head of Sales.

Vida makes a historic major investment
Vida AB announced today that it will invest approximately 700 million SEK at its Bruza Sawmill in Hjältevad, expanding production from 300 000m3 yearly to 420 000m3 yearly.

Sawmill entrepreneur and Vida’s former CEO named an honorary doctor
Linnaeus University’s Faculty of Technology has appointed Christer Johansson as a new honorary doctor for his achievements in the Swedish forest and wood industry.

Vida inaugurates major solar park in southern Sweden
One of Sweden’s largest solar parks, located near Sölvesborg in Blekinge, has now been inaugurated. It is estimated that the solar park will contribute 19 GWh of electricity production to electricity area 4 in southern Sweden, where the need for electricity is greatest. In addition to Vida, the investment is backed by Bixia and the solar energy company Svea Solar, who are collaborating to advance the green transition.

Vida named as a Career Company
For the second year in a row, Vida has been named as a Career Company (Karriärföretag). The motivation for the award highlighted the company's strong corporate culture and the opportunities for employee involvement.

Vida acquires Ingarp Träskydd
Vida is Sweden's largest sawmill group with 12 sawmills in Götaland in the south of Sweden. The group’s vision is “To grow” which Vida is now doing through the addition of another plant.

Vida named 7th best career company by Young professionals
Vida has been named the 7th best career company by Young Professionals in the educated engineering category. 1,000 young graduates from technical educations who are at the beginning of their careers rated over 150 companies in terms of how attractive they think they are, and Vida became top 10.

Måns Johansson appointed president of Canfor Europe
Vida is Sweden's largest sawmill group with, among other things, 12 sawmills. Since 2019, the Canadian company Canfor has owned 70% of the shares in Vida. Now Vida's CEO has been appointed President of Canfor Europe.

Vida is growing and expanding its workforce
Vida has great ambitions for the future and has therefore invested SEK 140 million in Borgstena over the last few years, which means that the workforce will be expanded this autumn.

Santhe Dahl elected to international Board
Vida is Sweden's largest sawmill group with, amongst other activities, 12 sawmills in Götaland, southern Sweden. Vida’s former CEO and present Chairman of the Board had now been elected as a member of Canfor’s Board.

Vida Wood UK
The UK office specialise in the sales and distribution of sustainable construction-grade products, such as CLS and TR26, to nationwide customer base in the UK consisting of timber frame house manufacturers, roof-trussed rafter manufacturers and timber merchants.

New timber measuring system at Vida
Vida has decided to invest in a new generation of 3D measuring units with x-ray equipment at five of its plants.

Vida invests in solar power
Vida has recently signed an agreement with the power company Bixia and the solar power company Svea Solar which has led to the creation of a major new solar farm in Blekinge. The solar farm, estimated to go into operation in spring 2023, will be the largest in the country so far and will contribute around 19 GWh of electricity production to electricity area 4.

Vida named a 2023 Career Company
Vida has been named a 2023 Career Company in Sweden. The company's focus on expansion and sustainability as well as its strong corporate culture were some of the reasons highlighted.

Sweden’s largest sawmill group continues to grow
Vida is the largest sawmill group in Sweden and has high ambitions for the future. The company is now about to complete a couple of major strategic investments that will lead to substantially larger production volumes.

Vida Wood Denmark
Vida Wood Denmark was founded in 2005, when Vida bought the company Jens Kruuse & Co. Since that time the company has grown from about 25.000 m3 sold products to 220.000 m3 per year.

Vida Wood Australia
Vida Wood Australia’s head office is in Brisbane, Queensland where we operate in a 12,000m2 warehouse that combines all sales and logistics. It is from this point in Australia that we coordinate every single one of our sales and logistics transactions across the entire Australian Eastern seaboard.

Report from Vida’s markets
The war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and Belarus have completely changed the game.

Sustainability aspects when you buy wood packaging from Vida
Sustainability has become increasingly important across the whole of society When you buy wood products rather than plastic products you are doing your part for a sustainable future. Wood products contribute to sustainable development because they store carbon dioxide during their usable lifetime and can replace products that create larger carbon dioxide emissions.

Vida Packaging ramping up due to high demand
Det har varit en lång period av stor efterfrågan på träemballage på marknaden, samtidigt som bristen på råvaror har varit historiskt stor. Tack vare tillgången till egen råvara från Vidas sågverk så har Vida Packaging fortsatt att hålla leveranser och lyckats tillgodose kunders behov, och kan till och med öka produktionstakten ytterligare inom samtliga produktområden.

Export of cable drums all the way to Africa
Prysmian, the world’s largest cable manufacturer, is one of Vida’s major and strategic cable drum customers. Vida is working with Prysmian on an ongoing project which involves a large quantity of cable drums being shipped to Angola in Africa. The project is part of a large solar park development in the country, encompassing seven solar plants with approx. 1 million solar panels being installed.

Report from Vida’s markets
These are uncertain times for the wood products market globally, and as autumn approaches we will get an indication of what we can expect going forward. During the summer, the European and British markets that are so important to Sweden have continued to boom.

Wooden pallets can be reused and are a smart climate choice
A wooden pallet can be used up to 70 times. After some 20 usage cycles it is re-classed from an A-pallet to a B-pallet.

Wood pallets are the only choice for Benders
Sometimes standard sizes just aren’t enough to meet the demands placed on a pallet. Which is why some companies choose to invest in their own deposit return system for pallets and packaging products. One company that has done just that is Benders.

Better delivery accuracy and shorter lead times with our new line of drums
In January 2021 a new nail gun for cable drum sides measuring 1,800-3,200 mm in diameter will be installed at Vida’s packaging facility in Hestra. The new line of drums will allow greater capacity which ensures customers even better delivery accuracy and shorter lead times.

Vida acquires Berg’s Swedish sawmill
Vida, a subsidiary of Canfor Corporation, has signed an agreement with Bergs Timber to acquire their sawmills in Vimmerby, Mörlunda, Orrefors and Gransjö. The agreement was signed on June 17, 2020 and operations will be transferred to Vida as of September 1, 2020.

Canfor acquires parts of Vida AB
The owners of Vida AB (“Vida”) have agreed with the Canadian company Canfor Corporation to sell 70% of their shares to them. The present owners of Vida will retain 30% of the shares in Vida and continue to be responsible for the daily operations of the group.