We need your timber

Vida has a continuous need for timber and is very interested in contracting felling, thinning and delivery timber.

Since we stay close to the market, we know what the market is asking for. A high level of timber yield that matches the demands of our customers means that we can pay forest landowners better prices.

Contact us prior to felling

To remain competitive, we need wood of the right lengths for our production. That’s why it is important to make a contract before you start your felling, so that we can include your wood in our delivery plans. We work professionally with value cutting and quality assurance – something we all gain from.

We adapt what we do based on you and your forest

When you sell your forest to Vida, you can select a felling assignment, sales of standing forest timber or delivery timber. Talk to your local timber buyer. We work together to find the format that best suits you and your forest.

Every wood chip is used

We see every part of your forest as a valuable resource. From the timber we make structural timber, building components, pallet collars, pallets and cable reels. By-products are converted into energy chips, cellulose chips, pellets, stable bedding and agricultural bedding. The ash that remains after burning is returned to the forest as a fertiliser.

Ensure you get value from your forestry

Our timber buyers have solid forestry competence and knowledge of wood. We use thorough analyses to identify the risks and opportunities in your forest stand. Based on this we advise you on the forest stands that are suitable for felling today, and those that should remain for a few years to grow. This is how we help you ensure you gain value from your forestry activities.

Our buyers are where you are

It is important to us that you as a forest landowner have personal contact with a local timber buyer. That’s why we are where you are. When you work with Vida, you work with the same contact person throughout the entire timber transaction.

The benefits of selling to your local Vida sawmill:

• Short transportation distances – good for the forest landowner, for Vida and not least for the environment.
• Local presence – provides knowledge, confidence and good relationships.
• We take advantage of every wood chip – all by-products from the forest are valuable resources.
• A vibrant countryside – for every Vida employee, jobs are created for another 3 – 4 people in the nearby area.

Read more in Sell ​​your wood to Vida