Below you will find press releases from Vida Group. For any media-related questions, please contact Vida’s Communications department and we will help you find the right person and get you the facts and information you need.
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Måns Johansson appointed president of Canfor Europe
Vida is Sweden's largest sawmill group with, among other things, 12 sawmills. Since 2019, the Canadian company Canfor has owned 70% of the shares in Vida. Now Vida's CEO has been appointed President of Canfor Europe.

Vida is growing and expanding its workforce
Vida has great ambitions for the future and has therefore invested SEK 140 million in Borgstena over the last few years, which means that the workforce will be expanded this autumn.

Santhe Dahl elected to international Board
Vida is Sweden's largest sawmill group with, amongst other activities, 12 sawmills in Götaland, southern Sweden. Vida’s former CEO and present Chairman of the Board had now been elected as a member of Canfor’s Board.

Vida invests in solar power
Vida has recently signed an agreement with the power company Bixia and the solar power company Svea Solar which has led to the creation of a major new solar farm in Blekinge. The solar farm, estimated to go into operation in spring 2023, will be the largest in the country so far and will contribute around 19 GWh of electricity production to electricity area 4.

Vida acquires Berg’s Swedish sawmill
Vida, a subsidiary of Canfor Corporation, has signed an agreement with Bergs Timber to acquire their sawmills in Vimmerby, Mörlunda, Orrefors and Gransjö. The agreement was signed on June 17, 2020 and operations will be transferred to Vida as of September 1, 2020.

Canfor acquires parts of Vida AB
The owners of Vida AB (“Vida”) have agreed with the Canadian company Canfor Corporation to sell 70% of their shares to them. The present owners of Vida will retain 30% of the shares in Vida and continue to be responsible for the daily operations of the group.

Vida and the environment
Sustainable forestry is an important part of solving climate change. At Vida we take responsibility for the forest, environment and people wherever we operate.