New timber measuring system at Vida
There are twelve sawmills in the Vida Group, all of which are technologically advanced with modern equipment. The sawing process starts with the 3-dimensional measuring of every log. Based on this, computers calculate how the log should be sawn to achieve the highest timber value from the log.
Vida has decided to invest in a new generation of 3D measuring units with x-ray equipment at five of its plants, four of which have been in operation since last summer. The remaining site will be up and running in Summer 2023.
The new systems measure the under-bark volume using a combination of x-ray and 3D laser scanning. This means that the under-bark volume of each individual log will be assessed using the measured values, as the x-ray assesses the difference in density between the wood and the bark while the 3D measuring unit measures the outer shape.
The grading of the logs will also become largely automated via the new system with the measuring unit only needing to take “rare defects” and rot into account. The system has a very high level of repeatability in measurement and assessment, which means that the grading of each individual log is calibrated to ensure full compliance with the applicable rules.
Automatic assessment is advancing rapidly. Vida is working together with the supplier in a project to develop the system so that it can automatically grade the type of wood in the future. Two of the plants have been equipped with log-end sensors that will be able to use vision technology to grade the cross-section
The transition to the new 3D measuring units also means that the plants will switch to solid-under-bark matrices (s-u-b), when the log is recalculated based on m3 . This change will come into effect at all of Vida’s sawmills by no later than the end of August 2023.
To summarise, the timber measuring systems will transition to a new generation of equipment that highly automates the measuring and grading of each individual log. This means that as a log supplier, you can be confident that you will be correctly paid without the need for concern about seasonal variations, complex conversion factors or human error. Simplicity and accuracy is what Vida strives for.