Santhe Dahl elected to international Board
Vida is Sweden’s largest sawmill group with, amongst other activities, 12 sawmills in Götaland, southern Sweden. Vida’s former CEO and present Chairman of the Board had now been elected as a member of Canfor’s Board.
Santhe Dahl was elected as one of twelve members of the Board during Canfors’ last General Meeting of Shareholders. He has spent his professional career within Vida and is currently the operating Chairman of the Board of the parent company.
Canfor acquired 70% of the shares of Vida in 2019, and the companies together make up one of the world’s largest producers of sawn wood products.
“Canfor has great confidence in Vida, as demonstrated by Santhe’s election to their Board. Canfor’s ambition is to grow in Europe, which naturally makes him a key link. There’s a massive difference in the raw materials markets of North America and Europe, which is where Santhe and his knowledge and experience will come to the fore”, says Måns Johansson, CEO Vida.
Santhe will be the only European member of the Board and on top of that, he has also been elected to the investment committee.
“As Canfor is a shareholder of Vida, we are important to each other. Being a member of their Board is interesting, and I hope that my experience can be an asset to our mutual development and growth” says Santhe Dahl.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Santhe Dahl, Chairman, Vida AB, +46 (0)70-551 30 55
Brief facts about Canfor, incl. Vida
Turnover: 58 billion SEK
Number of production plants: 53
Number of employees: 6500