Vida named a 2023 Career Company
Vida får utmärkelsen Karriärföretag 2023. I motiveringen lyfts bolagets fokus på expansion och hållbarhet och företagets starka företagskultur.
Vida has been named a 2023 Career Company in Sweden. The company’s focus on expansion and sustainability as well as its strong corporate culture were some of the reasons highlighted.
“Receiving this nomination is incredible and inspiring. At Vida, our employees are the most important resource, and it is through their commitment and energy that we constantly achieve new goals. Vida is constantly growing and securing skilled employees is one of our most important priorities,” says Camilla Milton, HR Manager, Vida.
Every year the “Kärriärföretagen” lists the leading employers in Sweden. There is a thorough selection and jury process behind the list, which focuses on career and development opportunities for students and young talent in the early stages of their career.
“It is Vida’s vision to grow, and that applies both to the company and to our people.” We want to give all our employees a meaningful job where they feel that they can grow, either within their own company, via one of our other companies or via their skills and competencies,” says Camilla Milton.
Below is the full motivation for the nomination:
Vida is an impressive employer that takes care of and believes in its employees. It is a place where people can grow and enjoy plenty of career opportunities. This helps Vida to attract new, young talent, not least via its trainee program Väx med Vida (Grow with Vida), focused on expansion and sustainability. We also see a strong corporate culture where employees stay for a long time. Vida is clearly a very attractive employer.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Camilla Milton, HR Manager Vida, +46 (0)76-771 35 00
Joanna Kron, Communication Manager Vida, +46 (0)73-021 31 16