Vida's year-end report 2024

Vida's year-end report 2024

Vida’s result creates a long-term perspective

2024 has been characterized by reduced availability of logs and a cautious construction economy. Despite this, Vida has a stable operating profit of SEK 700 million (SEK 984 million in 2024). Måns Johansson, CEO of Vida, says that this is a result that stands up well to the competition despite the prevailing conditions.

Vida has invested in its sawmills for many years. Productivity has therefore continued to improve, which has resulted in a record high production in 2024. The major challenge has been the availability of logs in Sweden and Europe, and no change is predicted in 2025.

– It has been challenging to obtain raw material, and even though we sawed more during the year than we did previously, there was capacity in our sawmills to saw even more. Our sawmills are well maintained and very efficient, says Måns Johansson, CEO of Vida AB.

Towards the end of 2024, there was an improvement in demand for sawn timber and a slightly higher price level.

– 2024 has been a year in which Vida’s ability to make quick and well-considered decisions has been crucial. The limited supply of raw materials together with a cautious construction economy has been challenging and I believe that our results stand up well to the competition, continues Måns Johansson.

– Vida’s ability to create value throughout the entire production process and our focus on further processing in the form of wood packaging and energy products is an important contribution to our development and profitability, says Måns Johannson.

Vida continues to invest and develop its facilities. In 2024, a new chip handling facility in Borgstena and an expanded distribution warehouse in Alvesta were put into operation. During 2025 and early 2026 a new high-speed planing mill will be installed in Hjaltvad, representing an investment of SEK 400 million.

– Despite the challenges ahead, we are well positioned for the future. We have a high solvency and look forward to doing business with forest owners during the year, concludes Måns Johansson.


Vida operates in a cyclical industry and we are currently, after a few strong years, in a weaker period. Vida’s profitability depends, among other things, on how the economy, exchange rates and political decisions develop. These are factors that we have difficulty influencing and we therefore continue to focus on what we can influence ourselves, such as safe workplaces for our employees, increased productivity and improvements to our operations.


                                                            2024 (tkr)       2023 (tkr)

Turnover                                      11 629 159    11 095 183
EBITDA                                               948 869       1 215 366
Operating profit                            699 597          984 964
Profit after financial items      777 170     1 080 602